Knowledge Center

Advanced Usage

Unsure about how to use a specific feature of Stratos? This guide will go over some of the more advanced features of the product and how to use them.

Server Operations

Stratos is designed to be as easy as possible to make a server for your favorite game and share it with your friends. However, we also want to give you the ability to customize your server to your liking. This next section will go in-depth on how to do that.

Configuring your server

Don't like the default settings for your server? You can change them by clicking on the "configure" button on the right side of the home screen, on the "My Servers" screen, or in the server modal. This will bring you to our configuration page where you will see a list of files on the left side and the contents of the selected file on the right side. You can make changes to any of the files, add/delete files, or revert to the default configuration for your server and then click the "Apply Changes" button to save your changes. After doing so, you will be brought back to the home screen and will see a notification in the top right that you need to restart your server for the changes to take effect.

Click to view example images

Home screen with configure button:

Screenshot of the home screen. The user's server is in the online
state and the configure button is

Server modal with customize button:

Screenshot of the server modal. A server is selected and the mouse is
hovering over the customize

My Servers screen:

Screenshot of the my servers screen. There is a list of servers with
action buttons next to each.

Configuration screen:

Screenshot of the configuration screen. There is a list of files on
the left, an editor with the selected file's contents on the right, as
well buttons for applying, discarding, and reverting to

Restart server notification:

Screenshot of the terminal screen. There is a terminal in the center
displaying information about the user's

Accessing the console

A big part of running a server is being able to see recent activity, run administrative commands, and troubleshoot issues in the server's console. When you are on the home screen and your server is connecting or online, you will see a button on the right side of the screen that says "terminal". Clicking on this button will open the console for your server.

Some games do not support user input in the console and are purely for observing the server's output.

Click to view example images

Home screen with terminal button:

Screenshot of the home screen. The user's server is in the connecting
state and the terminal button is

Terminal screen:

Screenshot of the terminal screen. There is a terminal in the center
displaying information about the user's

Updating your server

Most games do not allow you to choose a specific version of the game to play on which means that if your server is not running the latest version of the game, you will not be able to connect to it. We automatically detect the latest version of our games and prompt you to update your server when it is out of date with a button on the right side of the home screen.

Please note that updating your server will cause it to restart. Be sure to warn any players on your server before doing so.

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the home screen. There is a button on the right side of
the screen labeled "update".

Importing an existing server

Got a server you'd like to bring with you into Stratos? No problem! A guide for each game will be coming soon, but you can generally follow these steps:

  1. Click on the game you'd like to import the server for from the home screen or the "browse games" screen to open up the modal for that game.
  2. Click on the "Import Existing Server" button on the left side of the modal.
  3. Enter your server name and specified version (latest is usually what you want).
  4. Import your server files by clicking on the "Select server files" button or by dragging and dropping the files into the modal. You will notice that some games will require you to import the server files all in one folder and others will require you to import a separate folder for the save (data) files and configuration files.
  5. If you uploaded the wrong files, you can click on the "X" in the top left of the file to remove it and re-updload the correct file.
  6. Click the "Import" button to finish the process.
Click to view example images

Dragging folder to be imported:

Screenshot of the server modal. The user is dragging a folder named
"Minecraft server" into a dotted region indicating where to do

After importing folder:

Screenshot of the server modal. The same dotted section now shows that
a file has been uploaded.

Exporting your server

Exporting your server is super easy. Go to the "My Servers" screen or open the server modal by clicking on the server's game and then click on the "Export Server" button for the server you want to export. This will prompt you to choose a location to save the file which will be in the .zip format. You will notice that there will be two folders, one for data (usually the world files) and one for the configuration files so you might need to move things around for it to work on your system.

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the server modal. A server is selected on the left side
of the modal and the export button is hovered on the right

Deleting your server

At the moment, you are only allowed to have 10 servers at a time. If you need to delete a server to make room for another, you can do so by opening the server modal for your server's game or by going to the "My Servers" screen and clicking on the "Delete" button.

Deleting a server is permanent and cannot be undone. Be sure to back up any important files before doing so.

Click to view example images

Server modal with delete button:

Screenshot of the server modal. The user is hovering over the "Delete
Server" button.

My Servers screen:

Screenshot of the server modal. The same dotted section now shows that
a file has been uploaded.

See all servers

If you would like to see all of your servers in one place, you can click on the "My Servers" option in the profile dropdown in the top right corner of most screens. On this page, you will be able to start a different server than your active server, configure a server, export a server, or delete a server.

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the my servers page. There are a few servers visible
with options to start, configure, export, and delete the

Game notifications

When you launch a game supported by Stratos, you will see a notification in the bottom right corner of your screen. If your active server is different than the game being launched, you will be prompted to resume or create a server for that game. If your active server is the same as the game being launched, you will be able to copy your server URL to your clipboard for easy sharing. This notification can be disabled by unchecking the "Prompt on game startup" setting in the application settings.

Click to view example images

Resume/create a server:

Screenshot of the notification. There is a dropdown for selecting a server,
a button for resuming the selected server, and a button for creating a new

Starting your server:

Screenshot of the settings page. A button for managing your subscription
is present.

Ready to game:

Screenshot of the settings page. A button for managing your subscription
is present.

Changing Settings

At the top right of most screens in the application, you will see a profile icon. Clicking on this icon will open a dropdown menu with a few options. Clicking on the "Settings" option will take you to the settings page.

Changing the Application Settings

The first section of the screen shows a few different settings that you can change. They have descriptions in the app, but here's a little more info about them:

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the settings page. A button for managing your
subscription is present.

Updating your username

We don't force you to live with the embarrassing username you chose when you were 12. You can change it whenever you want. Just click on the "Change Username" button, enter your new username, and click on the save button at the bottom of the page. If the username is available, it will be updated immediately. If it is not available, you will be prompted to choose a different one. Your username must be between 3 and 40 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Changing your username will require your server to be restarted. This happens automatically, so make sure any players on your server are aware of this!

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the settings page. A form for entering a new username is

Managing your subscription

If you would like to change your payment information, billing information, or cancel your subscription, you can click on the "Manage Subscription" button. This will open up a tab in your browser with a Stripe billing portal. From there, you can enter your email address and you will be sent a link to manage your subscription.

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the settings page. A button for managing your
subscription is present.

Deleting your account

Should you decide to part ways with Stratos, you can delete your account using the "Delete Account" button. We will keep your information for 7 days in case you change your mind and after that, your servers and all other information will be permanently deleted.

Click to view example image

Screenshot of the settings page. A button for deleting your account is