Knowledge Center

Frequently Asked Questions

# What is Stratos?

Stratos is a service that allows you and your friends to play together on many of the most popular games that require a dedicated server. Through our desktop application, you are able to easily create, manage, and switch between servers whenever you and your friends want to play something new.

# Why isn't my favorite game supported?

We are constantly working on adding support for more games. If you would like to see a game added, please let us know by emailing us or by joining our Discord!

# How can I share my server with my friends?

Sharing your server is easy with Stratos because the URL for your server will always be your username followed by In the desktop app, we provide a button that will allow you to copy that URL to your clipboard.

# Why can't I pick how powerful my server is?

We optimize our servers to be able to be able to run with an adequate number of players for each game. If you find that your server is not powerful enough, please let us know.

# Is this safe?

Absolutely. We follow industry standards for security and privacy. We store as little information as possible.

Personal information we do store:

  • Your email address
  • Your password (hashed, salted, and stored in a secure database)
  • Your servers (names, save data, etc.)

# Why is Windows Defender flagging the installer?

Windows Defender is flagging the installer because Stratos is a new application. If you are concerned about this, let us know. We are working on signing our installer to give users more peace of mind.

# Why does it cost that much?

Stratos offers users a subscription model unlike other hosting services. With a Stratos subscription, you can host any game in our catalog, without changing your subscription. We also offer, on average, more powerful servers than the competition. Expect that you will receive a premium experience, worthy of the price. If you are not satisfied, please let us know and we will refund your most recent subscription payment.

# Who works on this product?

Our team consists of:

  • Clay (infrastructure, web)

  • David (app, web)

  • Kevin (infrastructure)

  • Quincy (app, infrastructure)

Please contact us if you have any more questions!

1.Some games require a port in order to connect in which case we append the port to the URL.